Project regional level goals for 2023-2025

local residents and IDPs received new digital professions for remote work
digital leaders were trained and received the competencies of project managers in public administration
community specialists received state diplomas and the qualification of "Master of Public Management and Administration"
local residents and IDPs are involved in digital skills development programs at the Diia.Digital Education


  • Public administration

    Methodology of making and adoption of managerial decisions

    Territorial development in conditions of decentralization

    Anti-corruption policy and prevention of corruption

    Formation and implementation of public policy

    Professional training of managers (CDTO) in public authorities

  • Project management

    Methodology and standards of project management

    Project team management

    Project management in the public area

    Fundraising management

    Information technologies in project management

    Management of international programs and grants

  • Change Management

    Leadership in public administration

    Reengineering of public administration processes

    Strategic management

    Innovation management

    Anti-crisis management

    Psychology of management

    Open governance

    Fundamentals of sustainable development

  • Communications

    Digital development and electronic democracy

    Marketing of project-oriented organizations

    Communications in public administration

    Communicative provision of public management and administration

    Project team formation

    Behavioristic approach in communications

  • Information security

    Psychology of influence and social engineering

    Basics of information dissemination in networks

    Manipulations in the information space

    Interpretations in communications

    Subjective factors of informational threats

    Epistemological, axiological and praxeological aspects of informational activity

  • Cyber hygiene

    The basics of security measures to properly protect devices and personal data

    Strengthening the capabilities of public servants in the field of combating cyber threats

    The deepfakes nature and their recognition methods

    Anti-phishing and DMARC technology

    Fundamentals of defense from Flood-, Ddos-, Spam attacks

Educational services

The project provides training of highly qualified specialists on an ongoing basis for the field of public management and administration, who possess the appropriate systematized knowledge and modern technologies, capable professionally and creatively and effectively perform the functions assigned to them, contribute to innovative processes in society in order to improve the quality of citizens life on the basis of global and European standards, which is confirmed by issued diplomas of higher education state model. The project offers:
Training at the expense of the NAСS for employees who have at least one year of work experience and are subject to the Laws of Ukraine "On Civil Service" or "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies"
Full-time or part-time education of persons with higher education (a document about higher education of the established template of the bachelor's degree, master's degree (specialist))
Training of candidates for the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty "Public management and administration" in full-time or part-time studying forms (postgraduate studies)
Preparation of candidates for the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in the specialty "Public management and administration" by full-time or part-time studying forms (doctoral studies)
Individual training programs for managers of business structures and NGOs, including the study of government relations, public-private partnership, lobbying in public authorities, etc.
Creation of educational, educational and scientific interactive video materials for educational and popularization events (seminars, trainings, workshops) in the field of digital transformation of public administration



Digital index of communities

Research the level of digital development of communities and their readiness for digital transformation

Diia portal

Portal with online public services

Diia apps

Digital documents, government services and Diia.Signature — everything in a smartphone

Diia.Digital community

Marketplace of digital products and solutions for communities


Online portal with free services and opportunities for business development

Diia.Digital education

Free educational series and national digital literacy test


Volodymyr Moroz

Volodymyr Moroz

Scientific supervisor Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Project Management, PhD

Iya Dehtjaryova

Iya Dehtjaryova

Lecturer Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Project Management, Doctor of Sciences

Yanina Kazjuk

Yanina Kazjuk

Lecturer Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Project Management, Doctor of Sciences

Dmytro Klinovyi

Dmytro Klinovyi

Lecturer Senior researcher, associate professor of the Department of Public Administration and Project Management, PhD

Olexandr Kozhukhar

Olexandr Kozhukhar

Administrator Head of the scientific and methodological support sector of the scientific institution "Digital Agency "E-Ecology"